Mid-way thru my 2-year lease at the commercial space in Avon, CT…. we moved. Very unexpectedly, we moved. My husband said it was time to move and I wasn’t really ready. I trusted in him and sure enough…. HE WAS RIGHT! I feel the its important to type that last line in caps and say...
Saren ~ must confess, We stayed in 2 store fronts for 9 years. My husband was ready for the home studio after 4 years (HE WAS RIGHT). Bravo for making this move!
In retrospect, my hubby Terry, concludes this decade as priceless. I got to work with both our adult daughters daily, experience two pregnancies with them, then spent 2 years loving and raising (as g’daughters came to work & on remote shoots) every day. Was able to know our son-in-law in a way that was neutral (not their home or ours).
Like Terry said, when I admitted we should’ve made the move years earlier; “this experience was worth every penny”.
With love and admiration ~ Margo
Oh Saren how beautiful! A year later (Can you believe it?) I still go over Gabriella’s newborn session again and again. I guess we are due for family pictures now! Congrats